Français Concours Blanc avec Corrigé 2016 – 2020 2ème cycle préparatoire ecole d'ingénieur

France may not be the first country you think of when you’re considering locations for an Engineering degree abroad. However, studying an Engineering degree at one of the selective Grandes Ecoles in France is surely a guarantee for a great career in the diverse field of Engineering.

Grande Ecoles not only prepare students to become professional engineers, but they also offer valuable business and communication skills. If you don’t speak French, you shouldn’t be worried. You will find plenty of internationally-oriented English-taught Engineering degrees at Engineering schools in France. Graduate Engineering degrees also include research work and assignments, small workshop sessions and paid internships.

Types of engineering degrees in France :

  • Typically, an engineering degree is granted in France only after pursuing at least 5 years of study (in various formats.) This 5 year French engineering degree is known as Diploma d'Ingénieur and is equivalent to the European “Masters degree” & the "Master of Science in Engineering" in the USA.

Français Concours Blanc la deuxième année cycle préparatoire ecole d'ingénieur

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