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Anglais Examens N2 avec Corrigé 2016 – 2020 1ere cycle préparatoire ecole d'ingénieur

English is one of the widely spoken languages around the world. For an engineer and an engineering student, English language fluency is important both in studies and career.

Engineering is one of the largest fields of study and many of the works of research and academics are recorded in English. Without fluency in English, engineering students may find it difficult to understand the concept being conveyed by the authors. Also, many modules in engineering require writing academic reports. Hence, a good fluency and grasp of English language is necessary.

Basic reasons why an Engineer should be fluent in English are as follows:
  • In a student's social life, English language is most important. It helps to build strong relationship and better understanding among fellow students and peers.
  • For success in any field, one has to know, understand and communicate effectively. In the era of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation, communication skills is the key to success.
  • The English language is now a bridge language of international business, technology, research and aviation. About 1.8 billion speak English and the number is still rising.
As communication is one of the universal traits of human beings, it is almost impossible for any human beings to survive in this complex world without it. Undoubtedly, communication enables the participants to share their experiences and feelings with each other. Language is the most common means of human communication. People in different communities with professions use different varieties of languages according to their community, culture and the nature of their profession. Engineering, which has international link, needs a language that has a global access. In the present day world of globalization, English which serves as a primary/ popular global language can be the only convenient means of professional communication for engineering professionals.

For communication purposes, an engineer must bear these things in mind:
  • Most of the theories are taught in English language. For this reason, an expected level of proficiency in English language would be essential.
  • To study abroad in some of the best universities in the world, students have to take up standardised tests to prove their English language proficiency. These tests play a major role for admissions to most of the universities overseas. These tests are measurements carried out to ensure that the students from non-English speaking countries are able to write, listen, and converse in English fluently.
  • Engineers today have to communicate with their counterparts across the globe. Among most of the professionals like the scientists, technologists and business experts who belong to different cultural and linguistic backgrounds, English is predominantly considered to be a language of communication. 

Anglais Examens la première année cycle préparatoire ecole d'ingénieur


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